Recently, I read a passage from Psalm 72. In verse 17 it says, "His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed." This verse is speaking of how God's name will endure forever. Notice where it says "his name shall be continued as long as the sun".
In the world today, we see many people and their so-called gods. Whether it is a wooden idol, car, boat, money, etc, we see people worshipping or putting their whole lives into their gods. These "gods" are merely earthly things that will one day burn up, rot, be destroyed. (We even hear of people who are buried with their prized possessions (gods). In I Timothy 6:7 we read, "For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out." We didn't bring anything into this world when we were born, and we're not going to take anything out when we die....even if we are buried with them.) I ask you, is your "god" temporal, or is HE eternal?
Finally, in the last part of the verse we read, "all nations shall call him blessed". Sad to say, many people are not blessing and praising God. We all say, "God bless America", but God has already blessed America. What we need to do is turn that phrase around and say, "America, bless God".
I want to challenge each of you to first of all, make sure that you are worshipping and serving the One and only God. And then, check up on yourself and make sure you are striving to bless God in your life. Whether it be in your thoughts, actions, words that are spoken, etc, make sure it is pleasing God.
Amen and amen, Bro. Joshua!! Thank you for the challenge today. We SHOULD be striving to bless God in all aspects of our lives.
Praise the Lord! What a blessing you two boys are! "America, bless God!" and God bless you!
Very good and thought provoking post. It't posts like those these that keep me in check. Very, very good.
This is very good Joshua. I really appreciate what the Lord has been giving you and Caleb. Thank you for what you've been posting lately. They've been very helpful and challenging.
Good Post! It does keep us in check. Keep posting for the Lord.
Bro Tim
Wow..I guess I should proof read my comments! Oops!! :)
Joshua, you have said exactly what I said following the tradgidy of 9/11/2001. Everywhere there was posted "God Bless America" & I felt they were signs showing how cheep America feels God is. Another request from the mighty Americans to their God. I felt then as I do now, we as a nation should be harshly judged for falling so far from our heritage. Therefore if we,as a nation expect God's blessing & protection, we should expect that our nation would be a "Blessing to God". I am still hopelessly pleading "America Bless God". Our nation will not save us, nor will our church, or family, however individually we should strive as Christians to make our nation a blessing to God.
That is real good!!
Bro. Wess,
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment.
Your blog reminded me of the rich man in Luke 12:16-20. He said that he would pull down his barns and build greater. And God told him, that his soul would be required of him that very night. Then God asked "then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?"
Also another thing is the campmeeting I go to, a man painted a big American flag on the wall. And it says America Bless God.
Good blog, thanks for sharing it.
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