Saturday, December 30, 2006

Our Attitude In Soul-Winning

(Here is another devotional outline emphasizing soul-winning helps. It was published in our church's "Go Ye" newsletter which is passed out during each weekly church-wide visitation meeting)

John 6:63 "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life."

1. The Holy Spirit has been working all day preparing lost people for us to talk to tonight.

2. He has been preparing them to listen to and to receive the gospel.

3. The Holy Spirit has been working hard all day preparing us to go out tonight.

4. He has been preparing us to present the gospel.

5 The Holy Spirit knows exactly who is lost and who isn't.

6. The Holy Spirit knows exactly where the lost people are. He has been working on the one where you are going to be.

7. The Holy Spirit knows exactly when the best time is to talk to those that He has been working on.

8. The Holy Spirit knows which of us is best suited to reach each individual lost person.

9. The Holy Spirit knows how to get each of us to the specific person He has prepared for us.

10. The Holy Spirit works through our spirit.

11. The Holy Spirit uses our spirit (attitude) to reach the lost person so they will listen to the gospel.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen Joshua!!! I'm a firm believer in knowing that God prepares the hearts of those we will talk to. It is just up to that person whether they choose to listen to what God is going to use us to say to them or not.